Unique Blogger Award

Wow! I’ve been getting so many wonderful nominations for awards between Livin’a’Simmin’Life and TheKrazyCrazyLifeofKass. I feel so blessed to be apart of the beautiful SimLit community and to be honored so many times.

I was nominated for this particularly award by CathyTea of CathyTea’s SimLit Anthology. You can view CathyTea’s nomination of me here. I am truly amazed and inspired by her writing. Please check out her wonderful, colorful, and heartwarming stories here.  (Thirty Sims at Three Rivers, Dr. Jasmine’s Casebook, and Whisper are among some of my favorites!)



The rules for this award are as follows: 

  1. Share the link of the blogger who has shown love to you by nominating you.
  2. Answer the questions.
  3. In the spirit of sharing love and solidarity with our blogging family, nominate  8-13 people for the same award.
  4. Ask them 3 questions.

My questions to answer are… 

  1. What are you grateful for at this moment? My husband, my health, finishing my 5th graduate class, the opportunity to learn and continue my higher education, my beautiful cat, gorgeous fall colors, and pumpkin pie. 🙂 
  2. What’s one of the greatest challenges you’ve faced with your writing? Over-complicating plots. I have a tendency to have large casts of characters in my stories and I want to explore every aspect of them. It’s funny because this isn’t the case in my text-based writing, but it is in the Sims because I can see a physical representation of my characters in game. I connect to them personally, and I never delete a Sim, even I don’t use him/her, because it feels a little like deleting a person. Each Sim has a unique personality and makes a contribution to the world, and I want to love and write about them all, and I just can’t. I have a tendency to go off on rabbit trails and create complex webs of stories that sometimes can be incredibly overwhelming. 
  3. In your experience, what’s one of the most rewarding aspects of writing? The satisfaction of clicking publish and sharing my works with the world, and the investment of my readers and their sweet comments. 

My nominees (and I’m truly inspired by their writing – every single one of them deserves this award and more. So without further adieu, in no particular order…):

My 3 questions: 

  1. What is your favorite Sims game moment of all time? 
  2. How would you describe your writing style and process? 
  3. Who or what inspires/motivates you to write SimLit or write in general? (okay, that might be a two-part question… *grins sheepishly*)

I’m looking forward to seeing who you nominate and how you answer my questions. Thank you again, CathyTea, for the award nomination.

11 thoughts on “Unique Blogger Award”

  1. Hello Lizzie!

    I can totally relate to never deleting any of my Sims ever. Until recently, I’ve never let any of them die as well. I probably shouldn’t get too attached, but to me they are little pixelated people with real artificial feelings… Don’t know if that makes any sense. Anyway, I wanted to let you know I’ve finally answered your answers! Thank you again for the nomination ❤



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