
I use a good bit of CC in my games, too much to completely list everything here. I will try to include footnotes linking to custom content I love in my posts. Some of the stuff I’ve used has unfortunately become corrupted or includes hidden (unwanted) content. Always exercise caution when downloading third-party content to your game. If you see something you like, please let me know via comment and I’ll try to find it to the best of my ability.


  • NRAAS Industries – Master Controller and Story Progression are necessities and there’s lots of other amazing mods that make life so much easier in the Sim world.
  • Mod the Sims – I’ve found great poses and additions to my game through MTS. I would highly recommend getting cmomoney’s Pose Player.

Custom Content Creators for The Sims 3:


3 thoughts on “Credits”

Commenters rock! Write on.

…a lot can change in a summer!